Order form


Immediate in 15 minutes

We create estimates for proofreading in real time based on the number of words We will send you an order quote by e-mail, and then you will be able to pay for it online

Paste or enter text you want to be translated, or

Drop files here

We accept most of the file types
We accept most of the type files in our form (with max. volume of 20MB). If you need an instant quotation please send files in one of the following formats containing an editable text:
  • Word
    .doc, .docx
  • Excel
    .xls, .xlsx
  • Rich Text Format
  • Text
  • PowerPoint
    .ppt, .pptx
  • Open Office
Expected proofreading price:
from 10 PLN
Expected realisation time:
an hour
Zamów już dziś
Zapłać za 30 dni